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Definition in primary legislation


Care Act 2014, S.14


(1) A local authority--
(a) may make a charge for meeting needs under sections 18 to 20, and
(b) where it is meeting needs because Condition 2 in section 18 or Condition 2 or 4 in section 20 is met, may make a charge (in addition to the charge it makes under paragraph (a)) for putting in place the arrangements for meeting those needs.

(2) The power to make a charge under subsection (1) for meeting needs under section 18 is subject to section 15.

(3) The power to make a charge under subsection (1) for meeting a carer's needs for support under section 20 by providing care and support to the adult needing care may not be exercised so as to charge the carer.

(4) A charge under subsection (1)(a) may cover only the cost that the local authority incurs in meeting the needs to which the charge applies.

[Provision continues with further detail]

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