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Intermediate care

Definition in Statutory Guidance


Care and Support Statutory Guidance, chapter 11


11.17 Intermediate care services are usually provided to patients, often older people, after leaving hospital or when they are at risk of being sent to hospital. The services are a link between places such as hospitals and people's homes, and between different areas of the health and social care system - community services, hospitals, GPs and social care. 'Reablement' is a particular type of intermediate care, which has a stronger focus on helping the person to regain skills and capabilities to reduce their needs, in particular through the use of therapy or minor adaptations. There is a tendency for the terms 'reablement', 'rehabilitation' and 'intermediate care' to be used interchangeably. The National Audit of Intermediate Care categorises 4 types of intermediate care:

- crisis response - services providing short-term care (up to 48 hours);
- home-based intermediate care - services provided to people in their own homes by a team with different specialities but mainly health professionals such as nurses and therapists;
- bed-based intermediate care - services delivered away from home, for example, in a community hospital; and
- reablement - services to help people live independently, provided in the person's own home by a team of mainly social care professionals (see chapter 2 - preventing, reducing or delaying needs).

11.18 Three of the 4 types of intermediate care have historically been clinician-led and provided by health staff, with reablement being provided by local authorities. However, these are not concrete, mutually-exclusive categories - and, furthermore, with greater integration and co-operation between health and local authorities, there should be greater use of qualified staff from health and social care working together to provide intermediate care.

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