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Medicines-related problems



NICE Guideline NG67 - Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Medicines-related problem include: - potentially avoidable medicines-related hospital admissions - prescribing errors - dispensing errors - administration errors (for example, missed or delayed doses, inappropriate or incorrect administration) - monitoring errors (for example, inadequate review or follow-up, incomplete or inaccurate documentation) - adverse events, incident reporting and significant events - near misses (a prevented medicines-related patient safety incident which could have led to patient harm) - deliberate withholding of medicines or deliberate attempt to harm - restraint or covert administration that has been used inappropriately - misuse, such as missing or diverted medicines - other unintended or unexpected incidents that were specifically related to medicines use, which could have, or did, lead to harm (including death).

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