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Accommodation status

Value set


NHS Digital - Client Level Data

NHS Digital

Categories in ASC-CLD:
- Owner occupier or shared ownership scheme
- Tenant
- Tenant - private landlord
- Settled mainstream housing with family / friends
- Supported accommodation / supported lodgings / supported group home
- Shared Lives scheme
- Approved premises for offenders released from prison or under probation supervision
- Sheltered housing / extra care housing / other sheltered housing
- Mobile accommodation for Gypsy / Roma and Traveller communities
- Rough sleeper / squatting
- Night shelter / emergency hostel / direct access hostel
- Refuge
- Placed in temporary accommodation by the council (inc. homelessness resettlement)
- Staying with family / friends as a short-term guest
- Acute / long-term healthcare residential facility or hospital
- Registered care home
- Registered nursing home
- Prison / Young offenders institution / detention centre
- Other temporary accommodation
- Unknown

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