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Unique pupil number



Unique pupil numbers (UPNs): A guide for schools and local authorities, version 1.2 (Department for Education, June 2019) - extracts


A unique pupil number (UPN) identifies each pupil attending a state funded school1 in England. Allocated on first entry to a school, the UPN is generated using the nationally specified formula and is expected to remain with a pupil throughout their school career regardless of any change in school or local authority.

1.1 Allocation of UPNs

UPNs are allocated at the point of a pupil’s first entry into the state funded school sector. This is usually when a pupil joins a nursery or primary school (including joining nursery classes in a primary school), but can be another date where entry to the state funded school sector is later in a pupil’s school career. The only exceptions to this are where a local authority advises that a UPN has already been allocated; for example, when a child has an education, health and care plan (EHCP).

Whilst it is expected that a UPN should remain with a pupil throughout their school career, it is permissible for a new UPN to be issued in situations where a child has been adopted or is at risk.

1.2 The UPN system and its purpose

UPNs are used to facilitate the transfer of school based education and attainment data through the state funded school system in England. The system enables accurate and timely data sharing between:

• schools
• local authorities
• central government

thereby strengthening procedures for target setting and contributing to the raising of standards.

UPNs are also used by the department within the national pupil database (NPD). The NPD combines data from pupil level census returns with the results of end of key stage assessments, external examinations and other accredited qualifications to provide invaluable evidence on educational performance to inform independent research, as well as studies commissioned by the department.

2.1 UPNs and data protection

To assist schools in meeting their data protection obligations, a number of restrictions are in place on their use of UPNs. Such restrictions minimise potential risks to the privacy of pupils and ensure UPNs are used for educational purposes only. These include:

• The UPN must not be used for any purpose unrelated to education. A pupil’s admission number, rather than the UPN, must be used as the general pupil reference number on the admission register or paper files.

6.10 Sharing UPN data
6.10.1 Local authority social service departments

In the case of looked after children, UPNs may be transferred to local authority social service departments.

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