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Accommodation status

Value set


CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)

NHS England

Accommodation Status should be based on a person's latest known address / postcode during the reporting period. Where the Accommodation Status is not yet determined, for example where requests or assessments do not progress to services, then ‘Unknown’ can be chosen.

This field is essential because it will feed into two new outcome metrics in ASCOF: ‘Proportion of people who receive long term support who live in their home or with family’ and ‘Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital’. Alongside this field, postcode and information from linked health data can also be used to infer accommodation status in some cases. These ASCOF metrics will be marked as experimental in the first year to reflect the fact that CLD is a new collection and that accommodation status may not be complete in the early returns.

Local authorities have indicated that they routinely record accommodation status for people with a learning disability aged 18 to 64, but not always other groups, since the existing ASCOF metric is ‘proportion of adults with a learning disability who live in their own home or with their family’. Local authorities should start to routinely record this information for all client groups. The comments box on AGEM's Data Landing Portal (DLP) should be used to indicate when this data is not yet available.

• Owner occupier or shared ownership scheme
• Tenant
• Tenant - private landlord
• Settled mainstream housing with family / friends
• Supported accommodation / supported lodgings / supported group home
• Shared Lives scheme
• Approved premises for offenders released from prison or under probation supervision
• Sheltered housing / extra care housing / other sheltered housing
• Mobile accommodation for Gypsy / Roma and Traveller communities
• Rough sleeper / squatting
• Night shelter / emergency hostel / direct access hostel
• Refuge
• Placed in temporary accommodation by the council (inc. homelessness resettlement)
• Staying with family / friends as a short-term guest
• Acute / long-term healthcare residential facility or hospital
• Registered care home
• Registered nursing home
• Prison / Young offenders institution / detention centre
• Other temporary accommodation
• Unknown

Data type: Defined list

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