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When a person is moved from one place of care to another, such as from hospital to their home, supported housing or residential care. A transfer should be properly planned and coordinated, and health and social care services should work together.
Name Description Data Type
Date of transfer: The date/time of transfer of care to home or another institution. xs:dateTime.
Reason for transfer: The reason for referral/transfer - e.g. diagnosis, treatment, transfer of care due to relocation, investigation, second opinion, management of the patient (e.g. palliative care), provide referrer with advice / guidance. This may include referral because of carers' concerns. xs:string.
Code: Coded value for type of transfer. xs:string.
Description: Freetext description for type of transfer. xs:string.
Comments: Additional information/details about the transfer. xs:string.
Informed of transfer: Care actors to be informed of transfer. Care actor.
Transfer from: The details of the referrer that is making the transfer. This could be the person, GP surgery, department, specialty, sub-specialty, educational institution, mental health team, care home etc. Care actor.
Transfer to: Details of where the referral is to be sent. Care actor.
Subject: Subject of care. Subject of care.
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