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Activity location type

Value set


Minimum Operational Data Set

Digitising Social Care

The type of LOCATION for an ACTIVITY:

where PATIENTS are seen
where SERVICES are provided or
from which requests for SERVICES are sent.

National Code G04 'Integrated Care_Home_Without_Nursing and Care_Home_With_Nursing' is not valid for the Commissioning Data Set Version 6-2.
The following National Codes have been introduced for the Improving_Access_to_Psychological_Therapies_Data_Set and Mental_Health_Services_Data_Set only to add further granularity to National Code M04 'Young_Offender_Institution'. However, National Code M04 is still valid for the Improving_Access_to_Psychological_Therapies_Data_Set and Mental_Health_Services_Data_Set where extra detail cannot be collected:
M06 'Young_Offender_Institution_(15-17)
M07 'Young_Offender_Institution_(18-21)'
The following National Code has been updated in DCB0092-2062: Commissioning Data Sets: Emergency Care Data Set. The Data Set specifications that contain this item will be updated in the next version of the Information Standard where it is not already correct:
E04 'Emergency_Care_Department or Minor Injuries Department'.
Further information on the groupings and scope of each ACTIVITY_LOCATION_TYPE_CODE is provided at: Activity_Location_Type_Codes:

Code Description
A01 PATIENT's Home
A02 Carer's Home
A03 PATIENT's Workplace
A04 Other PATIENT Related Location

B01 Primary Care Health Centre
B02 Polyclinic

C01 General Medical Practitioner Practice
C02 Dental Practice

D01 Walk In Centre
D02 Out of Hours Centre
D03 Emergency Community Dental Service

E01 Out-Patient Clinic
E03 Day Hospital
E04 Emergency Care Department or Minor Injuries Department
E99 Other Departments

F01 Hospice

G01 Care Home Services without Nursing
G02 Care Home Services with Nursing
G03 Children's Home
G04 Integrated Care Home Services without Nursing and Care Home Services with Nursing

H01 Day Centre

J01 Resource Centre

K01 Sure Start Children’s Centre
K02 Child Development Centre

L01 School
L02 Further Education College
L03 University
L04 Nursery Premises
L05 Other Childcare Premises
L06 Training Establishments
L99 Other Educational Premises

M01 Prison
M02 Probation Service Premises
M03 Police Station / Police Custody Suite
M04 Young Offender Institution
M05 Immigration Removal Centre
M06 Young Offender Institution (15-17)
M07 Young Offender Institution (18-21)

N01 Street or other public open space
N02 Other publicly accessible area or building
N03 Voluntary or charitable agency premises
N04 Dispensing Optician Premises
N05 Dispensing Pharmacy Premises

X01 Other locations not elsewhere classified

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