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Data descriptor


Person's address

Digitising Social Care


Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

Person's usual place of residence, and where relevant temporary and correspondence addresses.

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Data descriptor


Patient usual address

NHS England


NHS Data Dictionary

PATIENT USUAL ADDRESS is the usual ADDRESS nominated by the PATIENT, where the ADDRESS ASSOCIATION TYPE is National Code 'Main Permanent Residence' or 'Other Permanent Residence'. If PATIENTS usually resident elsewhere are staying in hotels, hostels or other residential establishments for a short term, for example, a week, they should be recorded as staying at their usual place of residence. However if it is long term, such as at boarding school, the School ADDRESS must be recorded. University students may nominate either their home ADDRESS or the ADDRESS of their university accommodation. Where PATIENTS are not capable of supplying this information, because of age or mental illness, for example, then the PERSON responsible for the PATIENT, such as a parent or guardian, should nominate the PATIENT USUAL ADDRESS. PATIENTS not able to provide an ADDRESS should be asked for their most recent ADDRESS. If this cannot be established, record the ADDRESS as 'No fixed abode' or 'Address unknown'. These PATIENTS are regarded as resident in the local geographical district for commissioning purposes. For birth episodes this should refer to the mother's usual place of residence.

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Data descriptor


Address unstructured

NHS Digital


NHS Data Dictionary

A subtype of ADDRESS. A recognizable postal address comprised of up to five lines of 35 alphanumeric characters. Note: the format relates to the physical layout, and not necessarily to the logical layout of the address.

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Value set


Address association type

NHS England


NHS Data Dictionary

A coded representation of an ADDRESS ASSOCIATION [The type of usage of an ADDRESS for a PERSON, ORGANISATION, ORGANISATION SITE or LOCATION]. National Codes Code Description 1 Main Permanent Residence 2 Other Permanent Residence 3 Temporary Residence 4 Correspondence (Non-Residence) 5 Main Business Premises 6 Invoice 7 Other Business Premises 8 Safe Haven ADDRESS

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Definition:The use of an address. This value set is the designated 'entire code system' value set for AddressUse. Code Display Definition home Home A communication address at a home. work Work An office address. First choice for business related contacts during business hours. temp Temporary A temporary address. The period can provide more detailed information. old Old / Incorrect This address is no longer in use (or was never correct, but retained for records).

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Project team

The FHIR value set is defined as "the designated 'entire code system' value set", but it doesn't reflect the details in the NHS Data Dictionary's value set. The NHS Data Dictionary value set doesn't allow for the flagging of a previous address which defines ordinary residence, e.g. a former home address in Local Authority A where someone has moved permanently into residential care in Local Authority B, but Local Authority A remains responsible for their care and support.

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