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Advance care planning



Advance care planning

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence


NICE Guideline NG119 - Cerebral palsy in adults

Defined by international consensus as: 'A process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences about future medical care. The goal of an advance care plan is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their values, goals and preferences during serious and chronic illness.' See Defining advance care planning for adults (Sudore et al. 2017).

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Advance care planning

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence


NICE Guideline NG108 - Decision-making and mental capacity

Advance care planning with people who may lack mental capacity in the future is a voluntary process of discussion about future care between the person and their care providers. If the person wishes, their family and friends may be included in the discussion. With the person's agreement this discussion is documented, regularly reviewed and communicated to key persons involved in their care.

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Advance care planning

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence


NICE Guideline NG67 - Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community

A voluntary process of discussion about what care a person would or would not want in the future, if they were unable to make decisions because of illness or a lack of mental capacity to consent. The person may also choose to involve their family members or friends in discussions.

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Advance care planning

NHS Digital


Palliative care co-ordination: core content - Requirements specification (National Information Standard SCCI1580)

A voluntary process of discussion and review to help an individual who has capacity to anticipate how their condition may affect them in the future and, if they wish, set on record choices or decisions relating to their care and treatment so that these can then be referred to by their carers (whether professional or family carers) in the event that they lose capacity to decide once their illness progresses. Under the terms of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 formalised outcomes of advance care planning might include one or more of the following: - advance statements to inform subsequent best interests decisions - advance decisions to refuse treatment which are legally binding if valid and applicable to the circumstances at hand - appointment of Lasting Powers of Attorney (‘health and welfare’ and/or ‘property and affairs’)

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Plain English definition


Advance care planning

Think Local Act Personal


Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster

Thinking ahead about your wishes and preferences for your future treatment and care, and making sure that other people know what you want. It is an opportunity to think about what is important to you, and to let other people know about things you would - or would not - like to happen as you approach the end of your life. SEE ALSO: Advance statement

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Advance care planning

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