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(1) A care and support plan or, in the case of a carer, a support plan is a document prepared by a local authority which--
(a) specifies the needs identified by the needs assessment or carer's assessment,
(b) specifies whether, and if so to what extent, the needs meet the eligibility criteria,
(c) specifies the needs that the local authority is going to meet and how it is going to meet them,
(d) specifies to which of the matters referred to in section 9(4) the provision of care and support could be relevant or to which of the matters referred to in section 10(5) and (6) the provision of support could be relevant,
(e) includes the personal budget for the adult concerned (see section 26), and
(f) includes advice and information about--
(i) what can be done to meet or reduce the needs in question;
(ii) what can be done to prevent or delay the development of needs for care and support or of needs for support in the future.
(2) Where some or all of the needs are to be met by making direct payments, the plan must also specify--
(a) the needs which are to be so met, and
(b) the amount and frequency of the direct payments.
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Following a social care assessment the council will work with any adult who has social care needs to create a care and support plan which will detail how any eligible needs are to be met. The plan may also suggest ways of meeting needs for which the individual is not eligible to receive help from the council.
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A written plan after a person has had an assessment, setting out what their care and support needs are, how they will be met (including what they or anyone who cares for them will do) and what services they will receive.
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A written plan after you have had an assessment, setting out what your care and support needs are, how they will be met (including what you or anyone who cares for you will do) and what services you will receive. You should have the opportunity to be fully involved in the plan and to say what your own priorities are. If you are in a care home or attend a day service, the plan for your daily care may also be called a care plan.
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