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Date of birth



Date of birth

Digitising Social Care


Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

The date of birth of the person.

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See discussion

Data descriptor


Date of birth

NHS England


CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)

Date of birth (DOB) should be reported for both service users and carers. DOB allows age and age bands to be derived for service users and carers and is also used for NHS batch tracing by the DSCRO (AGEM CSU). There will be cases of people aged under 18 being included in submissions. Events related to the transition of a person from children’s social care to adult social care should be included even if they are below 18 when the event occurred. Under-18 carers of adults should also be included in submissions. We understand that DOB is not always recorded for all carers and some other groups of service users. In these cases, the DOB field should be left blank. Approximate or estimated DOB should not be submitted. Local authorities should make plans to improve recording to capture this information. Data type: dd/mm/yyyy (no time stamp)

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See discussion

Synonym of
Not to be confused with
See also
See other terms relating to
Use instead of
Parent of
Consider using instead
Child of

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Date of birth

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