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Digitising Social Care


Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

The ethnic category of a person based on those established by the Office for National Statistics and used in the 2021 Census

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NHS Digital


NHS Digital - Client Level Data

Categories in ASC-CLD: White (English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British) White Irish White (Gypsy or Irish Traveller) Any other White background White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Any other Asian background African Caribbean Any other Black / African / Caribbean background Arab Any other ethnic group Refused Undeclared / Not known [NB this list is now superseded by the categories in CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)]

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NHS England


CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)

Ethnicity should be completed in line with the categories used in the 2021 census to facilitate vastly improved diversity monitoring covering all events. ‘Undeclared or Not known’ and ‘Refused’ options should be used where a person's ethnicity has not been recorded. Please note that the defined list has been corrected. The Release 1 guidance published in September 2022 incorrectly used the NHS Data Model defined list for ethnic category. • Asian or Asian British - Indian • Asian or Asian British - Pakistani • Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi • Asian or Asian British - Chinese • Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background • Black, Black British, Caribbean or African - Caribbean • Black, Black British, Caribbean or African - African • Black, Black British, Caribbean or African - Any other Black, Black British or Caribbean background • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background • White - English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British • White - Irish • White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller • White - Roma • White - Any other White background • Other ethnic group - Arab • Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group • No data - Refused • No data - Undeclared or Not known Data type: Defined list

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