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The Information Commissioner's Office has published "Data sharing: a code of practice" - a statutory code of practice prepared under section 121 of the Data Protection Act 2018.
It is a practical guide for organisations about how to share personal data in a way that complies with data protection law.
It aims to give you confidence to share data fairly and proportionately.
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Information sharing refers to the sharing of information about people who use services within and between organisations. Personal information can be shared within or between organisations with the person's consent, or if it is believed to be in the public interest. See the 7 golden rules of information sharing.
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The aim of Shared Care Records (ShCR) is to help local organisations move from today's position, where each health and care organisation holds separate records for the individuals they care for, to one where an individual’s record is shared across the health and care system. This will help health and care professionals to use information safely and securely as the people they care for move between different parts of the NHS and social care. It will also enable patients and service users to access their record irrespective of where they receive care.
The Information Governance (IG) Framework is intended for IG professionals. It has been developed to provide a structured approach to ensure ShCRs meet their legal obligations. This includes when they are planning, preparing and delivering data sharing.
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