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Lifeline alarm



Lifeline Alarm

Digitising Social Care


Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

A lifeline alarm is a pendant or bracelet that is worn in the home and garden, which allows the wearer to get immediate assistance at the push of a button should they need it.

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Digital/TEC definition


Lifeline Alarm



Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd

A generalised term to describe a telephone-based device that provides communication for use in emergency. A lifeline can be GSM, PSTN based, or IP based. The device is used predominantly in dispersed properties and provides two-way audio to an ARC.

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Data descriptor


Lifeline Alarm

NHS Digital


ASC Collections Data Dictionary (Beta v1.3)

A lifeline alarm is a pendant or bracelet that is worn in the home and garden, which allows the wearer to get immediate assistance at the push of a button should they need it.

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Lifeline alarm

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