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PHYSICALParticipation by direct action where subject and actor are in the same location. (The participation involves more than communication.)
REMOTEParticipation by direct action where subject and actor are in separate locations, and the actions of the actor are transmitted by electronic or mechanical means. (The participation involves more than communication.)
VERBALParticipation by voice communication
DICTATEParticipation by pre-recorded voice. Communication is limited to one direction (from the recorder to recipient).
FACEParticipation by voice communication where parties speak to each other directly.
PHONEParticipation by voice communication where the voices of the communicating parties are transported over an electronic medium
VIDEOCONFParticipation by voice and visual communication where the voices and images of the communicating parties are transported over an electronic medium
WRITTENParticipation by human language recorded on a physical material
FAXWRITParticipation by text or diagrams printed on paper that have been transmitted over a fax device
HANDWRITParticipation by text or diagrams printed on paper or other recording medium
MAILWRITParticipation by text or diagrams printed on paper transmitted physically (e.g. by courier service, postal service).
ONLINEWRITParticipation by text or diagrams submitted by computer network, e.g. online survey.
EMAILWRITParticipation by text or diagrams transmitted over an electronic mail system.
TYPEWRITParticipation by text or diagrams printed on paper or other recording medium where the recording was performed using a typewriter, typesetter, computer or similar mechanism.
MSGWRITParticipation by messaging typically from a mobile phone or mobile device through a cellular network or Internet. Includes secured or unsecured messaging transmission and includes online chat. Also includes submission of photos or other images.
SMSWRITParticipation by text or diagrams transmitted by an SMS message.
MMSWRITParticipation by text or diagrams transmitted by an MMS message.
APPWRITParticipation by text or diagrams transmitted over an online app, e.g. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or similar web app.
ELECTRONICParticipation by non-human-languaged based electronic signal
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