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Religion or belief

Data descriptor


Religion or belief

Digitising Social Care


Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

Religious or other belief system affiliation of the person

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Religion or belief

NHS Digital


NHS Data Dictionary

RELIGIOUS OR OTHER BELIEF SYSTEM AFFILIATION CODE TYPE Enumerations A1Baha'i B1Buddhist B2Mahayana Buddhist B3New Kadampa Tradition Buddhist B4Nichiren Buddhist B5Pure Land Buddhist B6Theravada Buddhist B7Tibetan Buddhist B8Zen Buddhist C1Christian C2Amish C3Anabaptist C4Anglican C5Apostolic Pentecostalist C6Armenian Catholic C7Armenian Orthodox C8Baptist C9Brethren C10Bulgarian Orthodox C11Calvinist C12Catholic: Not Roman Catholic C13Celtic Christian C14Celtic Orthodox Christian C15Chinese Evangelical Christian C16Christadelphian C17Christian Existentialist C18Christian Humanist C19Christian Scientists C20Christian Spiritualist C21Church in Wales C22Church of England C23Church of God of Prophecy C24Church of Ireland C25Church of Scotland C26Congregationalist C27Coptic Orthodox C28Eastern Catholic C29Eastern Orthodox C30Elim Pentecostalist C31Ethiopian Orthodox C32Evangelical Christian C33Exclusive Brethren C34Free Church C35Free Church of Scotland C36Free Evangelical Presbyterian C37Free Methodist C38Free Presbyterian C39French Protestant C40Greek Catholic C41Greek Orthodox C42Independent Methodist C43Indian Orthodox C44Jehovah's Witness C45Judaic Christian C46Lutheran C47Mennonite C48Messianic Jew C49Methodist C50Moravian C51Mormon C52Nazarene Church
Synonym: Nazarene C53New Testament Pentacostalist C54Nonconformist C55Old Catholic C56Open Brethren C57Orthodox Christian C58Pentecostalist
Synonym: Pentacostal Christian C59Presbyterian C60Protestant C61Plymouth Brethren C62Quaker C63Rastafari C64Reformed Christian C65Reformed Presbyterian C66Reformed Protestant C67Roman Catholic C68Romanian Orthodox C69Russian Orthodox C70Salvation Army Member C71Scottish Episcopalian C72Serbian Orthodox C73Seventh Day Adventist C74Syrian Orthodox C75Ukrainian Catholic C76Ukrainian Orthodox C77Uniate Catholic C78Unitarian C79United Reform C80Zwinglian D1Hindu D2Advaitin Hindu D3Arya Samaj Hindu D4Shakti Hindu D5Shiva Hindu D6Vaishnava Hindu
Synonym: Hare Krishna E1Jain F1Jewish F2Ashkenazi Jew F3Haredi Jew F4Hasidic Jew F5Liberal Jew F6Masorti Jew F7Orthodox Jew F8Reform Jew G1Muslim G2Ahmadi G3Druze G4Ismaili Muslim G5Shi'ite Muslim G6Sunni Muslim H1Pagan H2Asatruar H3Celtic Pagan H4Druid H5Goddess H6Heathen H7Occultist H8Shaman H9Wiccan I1Sikh J1Zoroastrian K1Agnostic K2Ancestral Worship K3Animist K4Anthroposophist K5Black Magic K6Brahma Kumari K7British Israelite K8Chondogyo K9Confucianist K10Deist K11Humanist K12Infinite Way K13Kabbalist K14Lightworker K15New Age Practitioner K16Native American Religion K17Pantheist K18Peyotist K19Radha Soami
Synonym: Sant Mat K20Religion (Other Not Listed) K21Santeri K22Satanist K23Scientologist K24Secularist K25Shumei K26Shinto K27Spiritualist K28Swedenborgian
Synonym: Neo-Christian K29Taoist K30Unitarian-Universalist K31Universalist K32Vodun K33Yoruba L1Atheist L2Not Religious M1Religion not given - PATIENT refused N1PATIENT Religion Unknown

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