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Clinical Commissioning Group
NHS England Transformation Directorate: Information Governance Framework for Integrated Health and Care: Shared Care Records (Sep 2021)
Groups of GP practices, working with other health and care professionals, which are responsible for commissioning most health and care services for patients.
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Digital/TEC definition
Clinical Commissioning Group
Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd
A group of General Practitioners (GPs) that are responsible for commissioning most health and care services for patients. They work with other healthcare professionals and in partnership with local communities and Local Authorities. Their role is defined in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.
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Plain English definition
Clinical Commissioning Group
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster
A group of GP practices in a particular area that work together to plan and design health services in that area. Each CCG is given a budget from NHS England to spend on a wide range of services that include hospital care, rehabilitation and community-based. Your local CCG should work with the council and local community groups to ensure that the needs of local people are being met.
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