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Delivery mechanism

Value set


Delivery mechanism


NHS Digital - Client Level Data

NHS Digital

Categories in ASC-CLD:
Community: Direct Payment
Community: CASSR Managed Personal Budget
Community: CASSR Commissioned Support
Prison: CASSR Managed Personal Budget
Prison: CASSR Commissioned Support

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Value set


Delivery mechanism


CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)

NHS England

*** Values have been consolidated from previous versions of the specification and now apply to carers and prison or community settings and can be identified separately from the service type variable.***

The inclusion of delivery mechanism provides further insight to the financial information reported for each service row.

For CLD the Delivery Mechanism is specific to the service line. This is a change to the Service Setting/ Delivery Mechanism methodology described in SALT, which is based on the hierarchy of all services recorded for the client or carer.

Part-direct payment is not on the defined list since this can be derived from the mix of service rows for a client. Direct Payment should not be chosen as a delivery mechanism for a person in a prison setting.

The variable ‘Self-Funder Metering Only’ should not be used at this time prior to the implementation of charging reform.

• Direct Payment
• CASSR Managed Personal Budget
• CASSR Commissioned Support
• Self-Funder Metering Only

Data type: Defined List

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Delivery mechanism

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