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Event status

Value set


Event status


Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources

preparation The core event has not started yet, but some staging activities have begun (e.g. surgical suite preparation). Preparation stages may be tracked for billing purposes.

in-progress The event is currently occurring.

not-done The event was terminated prior to any activity beyond preparation. I.e. The 'main' activity has not yet begun. The boundary between preparatory and the 'main' activity is context-specific.

on-hold The event has been temporarily stopped but is expected to resume in the future.

stopped The event was terminated prior to the full completion of the intended activity but after at least some of the 'main' activity (beyond preparation) has occurred.

completed The event has now concluded.

entered-in-error This electronic record should never have existed, though it is possible that real-world decisions were based on it. (If real-world activity has occurred, the status should be "stopped" rather than "entered-in-error".).

unknown The authoring/source system does not know which of the status values currently applies for this event. Note: This concept is not to be used for "other" - one of the listed statuses is presumed to apply, but the authoring/source system does not know which.

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