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Key worker
NICE Guideline NG211 - Rehabilitation after traumatic injury
A key worker is a named member of clinical staff (for example, a senior nurse, physiotherapist or occupational therapist) assigned at each stage of the care pathway who coordinates the person's rehabilitation and care; this may continue post-discharge. They act as a single point of contact for the person and their family and carers, and will support liaison with other services, such as social care. The person who fulfils this role may be different along the pathway, for example, following hospital discharge. This role may also be performed by case managers or case coordinators, who would coordinate care as well as liaise with insurers and legal teams, particularly following discharge. For major trauma, the role of key worker is defined further in recommendation 1.6.3 in the NICE guideline on major trauma: service delivery.
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Key worker
NICE Guideline NG54 - Mental health problems in people with learning disabilities: prevention, assessment and management
A key worker (also known as a care or case coordinator) is a central point of contact for the person with a mental health problem, family members, carers and the services involved in their care. They are responsible for helping the person and family members or carers to access services and for coordinating the involvement of different services. They ensure clear communication between all people and services and have an overall view of the person's needs and the requirements of their care plan.
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Plain English definition
Key worker
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster
A person who acts as a single point of contact for you, helps coordinate your care and can give you information and advice.
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