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Data descriptor
Method of review
CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)
Formerly ‘Informal Carer involvement in Review ’ and ‘Method of Assessment or Review’ in previous versions of the specification.
This data item has been re-purposed from the original ‘Informal Carer Involvement in Assessment’ variable and is more in line with the requirements of the SALT LTS003 table 3. It has also been split from ‘Method of Assessment or Review’ to avoid confusion and state that this is a requirement for both events. This is to ensure that all combinations of service user, carer or joint assessment and review events can be determined, however this is captured locally i.e. where local authorities complete a carer review with the client involved, or where a client review involves a carer.
• Carer only
• Service user only
• Service user and carer
Data type: Defined list
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