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Peer support
NICE Guideline NG150 - Supporting adult carers

Peer support involves carers sharing experiences, practical advice and emotional support and improving their understanding of the options available to them and the person they care for. Peer support can take a number of different forms, including one-to-one friendships and support based on lived experience and contact through third sector organisations, support groups or online networks. Peer support is often but not always provided by volunteers, for example volunteer befrienders. (NG150) The practical and emotional help and support that people who have personal experience of a particular health condition or disability can give each other, based on their shared experience. People support each other as equals, one-to-one or in groups, either face-to-face, online or on the telephone. (NG86)
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Peer support
NICE Guideline NG86 - People's experience in adult social care services: improving the experience of care and support for people using adult social care services

The practical and emotional help and support that people who have personal experience of a particular health condition or disability can give each other, based on their shared experience. People support each other as equals, one-to-one or in groups, either face-to-face, online or on the telephone.
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Plain English definition
Peer support
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster

The practical and emotional help and support that people who have personal experience of a particular health condition or disability can give each other, based on their shared experience. People support each other as equals, one-to-one or in groups, either face-to-face, online or on the telephone.
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