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Replacement care
NICE Guideline NG150 - Supporting adult carers
Care that replaces the care normally given by a regular carer. It may be needed either on a planned basis or in an emergency. Replacement care may be offered by the local authority, if the person needing care has had an assessment and is entitled to care and support services, or if the carer is entitled to help. Otherwise, people may have to pay for it.
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Plain English definition
Replacement care
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster
Care that replaces the care you normally receive from a regular carer, or would normally give to the person you care for. It may be needed either on a planned basis or in an emergency. Replacement care may be offered by your council, if the person needing care has had an assessment and is entitled to care and support services, or if the carer is entitled to help. Otherwise, you may have to pay for it.
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