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Residential care
Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3
is a 'home-style', live-in accommodation, with 24 hour-a-day supervised staffing for elderly residents, who may need extra help and support with their personal care.
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Residential care
Stephen Peddie (subject matter expert)
Residential care is care provided in a care home and has no nursing care component nor any funding component via the NHS. Funding is either fully funded by a council, part funded by a council and part by first and third parties, or fully self-funded (the resident and their family). A third party top up applies in about 50% of placements. Residential care does not have a therapy led approach and is not intermediate care, BUT bedded intermediate care facilities with no nursing are registered with CQC as residential care homes.
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Plain English definition
Residential care
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster
Care in a care home, with or without nursing, for older people or people with disabilities who require 24-hour care. Care homes offer trained staff and an adapted environment suitable for the needs of ill, frail or disabled people.
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Data descriptor
Residential care
ASC Collections Data Dictionary (Beta v1.3)
is a 'home-style', live-in accommodation, with 24 hour-a-day supervised staffing for elderly residents, who may need extra help and support with their personal care.
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Residential care
Stakeholder discussions
Extra care, supported living, assisted living, care home, nursing home, residential care, sheltered housing - multiple terms which may or may not mean similar things. (Stakeholders)
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