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NICE Guideline NG119 - Cerebral palsy in adults

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

A planned clinical appointment between an adult with cerebral palsy and a healthcare professional or multidisciplinary team. They may explore common concerns, physical symptoms, mental health, pain, nutrition and communication to ensure an individualised approach to care. The healthcare professional may be a GP, specialist nurse, rehabilitation specialist or therapist. This also allows the opportunity to address general health issues that affect people as they grow older.

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Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) Jargon Buster

Think Local Act Personal

When you receive a re-assessment of your needs and you and the people in your life look at whether the services you are receiving are meeting your needs and helping you achieve your chosen outcomes. Changes can then be made if necessary.

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Data descriptor




Digitising Social Care Glossary, v0.0.3

Digitising Social Care

A review is an examination of an existing client's needs and services (the care plan where it exists); it must include a (formal) reassessment, irrespective of whether it was a scheduled or unscheduled review. A scheduled review may be undertaken at regular intervals or by a predetermined date. A review, to be valid for these returns, must have been carried out or commissioned by the CASSR. A review by an independent sector organisation, unless commissioned by the CASSR, is not valid for inclusion.

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Data descriptor




ASC Collections Data Dictionary (Beta v1.3)

NHS Digital

A review is an examination of an existing client's needs and services (the care plan where it exists); it must include a (formal) reassessment, irrespective of whether it was a scheduled or unscheduled review. A scheduled review may be undertaken at regular intervals or by a predetermined date. A review, to be valid for these returns, must have been carried out or commissioned by the CASSR. A review by an independent sector organisation, unless commissioned by the CASSR, is not valid for inclusion.

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Data descriptor




Minimum Operational Data Set

Digitising Social Care

Details of a scheduled re-assessment of a person’s needs and/or review of a care plan, so that people can look at whether the services a person is receiving meet their needs and help them to achieve their goals.

Name Description Data Type
Focus: Identification of the item or activity that is being reviewed. Assessment and Planning.
Description: Narrative description of the Review Activity relevant for the care pathway step. xs:string.
Reason: Reason that the care pathway step for the identified Review Activity was carried out. xs:string.
Date: Date scheduled for review. xs:date
Performing professional: The care worker who performed the activity. Performing professional.
Outcome: Information about the outcome of an action. Outcome
Location: Location.

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