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Review reason

Data descriptor


Review reason


CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)

NHS England

The Significant Event in SALT LTS002 has been renamed as Review Reason for the CLD collection.

As with Route of Access, rather than adding a new carer specific review reason, please choose the most appropriate review reason if known, with the default to ‘planned’ for all carer reviews.

The list of Review Reasons is as follows:

• Planned
• Unplanned - Hospital (Planned and unplanned episodes)
• Unplanned - Carer related
• Unplanned - Safeguarding concern
• Unplanned - Other Reason
• Unplanned - Provider Failure
• Unplanned - Change in Commissioning arrangements

Data item: Defined list

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Review reason


NHS Digital - Client Level Data

NHS Digital

Categories in ASC-CLD: Planned Unplanned - Hospital (Planned and unplanned episodes) Unplanned - Carer related Unplanned - Safeguarding concern Unplanned - Other Reason Unplanned - Provider Failure Unplanned - Change in Commissioning arrangements

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Review reason

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