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Subject of care proxy



Subject of care proxy


Contsys/ISO 13940:2015

Contsys/International Organization for Standardization

Subject of care proxy (contsys): healthcare third party having person role with the right to take decisions on behalf of the subject of care

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A generic term for somebody who represents or acts on behalf of a person seeking or receiving care and support.

The term PROXY has no legal meaning or status in its own right. There are a number of formal proxy roles established by law, each of which carries different rights and responsibilities. There are also circumstances in which someone may act as an informal proxy - for example, when someone seeking or receiving care and support asks health and social care staff to communicate with a family member or friend on their behalf.

For more information on the range of proxy roles, click on the "Further information" link below or the "Proxies, representatives and advocates" link at the top of this page (

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Subject of care proxy

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