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Third party



Third party


CQC Glossary of terms used in the guidance for providers and managers

Care Quality Commission

A person or organisation other than the principals who are involved in a transaction or direct provision of a service.

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Third party


CQC: Scope of registration - Glossary of terms

Care Quality Commission

"The definition of a related third party under Schedule 1, paragraph 1(4) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 in relation to the regulated activity of Personal care is:

- an individual with parental responsibility for a child who will receive personal care services.
- an individual who has power of attorney or other lawful authority to make arrangements on behalf of the person who will be receiving personal care services.
- a group of individuals described in (a) or (b) who make arrangements on behalf of one or more people who will be receiving personal care services.
- a trust established to provide services to meet the health or social care needs of a named individual."

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Further information



Third party


NHS England Transformation Directorate: Information Governance Framework for Integrated Health and Care: Shared Care Records (Sep 2021)

NHS England

A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor (if they process personal data in their own right then they will also become a controller).

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Synonym of
Not to be confused with
See also
See other terms relating to
Use instead of
Consider using instead
Parent of
Child of

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Third party

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