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Data descriptor
Unit cost
CLD Guidance, release 1 (February 2023)
Funding of social care services is very complex and we understand that local authorities have different recording practices for the separate elements of funding. The goal of this field is to represent the cost of care services while allowing for the most consistent reporting across local authorities.
The unit cost should be based on the Gross Cost of the commissioned service, including Adult Social Care and service user contributions.
This figure should be net of (not include): 3rd party top-ups; FNC contributions; CHC contributions; Education funding.
The unit cost entered should reflect the latest known cost of the service as recorded on the system. The key thing is that there should be the most recent cost for a given service in the reporting period. There is no requirement for any duplicate service event rows to account for 'uplifts' during the reporting period.
Data type: Numeric (0.00)
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